How to Decorate a Whole House

Are you ready to transform your house into a cozy and stylish home? We've got you covered!

In this article, we'll guide you through the key steps to decorating your entire house. From choosing the perfect color scheme to selecting furniture that suits your style, we'll provide you with all the information you need to make your house a place you can truly call your own.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together!


  • Define your decorating style: Whether it's contemporary, traditional, or eclectic, understanding your style will help guide your decisions throughout the decorating process.
  • Plan your floor layout: Consider the room's layout to optimize space and create a smooth traffic flow. Create zoning areas and focal points to enhance aesthetics and flow.
  • Choose a cohesive color palette: Consider color psychology, incorporate accent colors, and coordinate colors using color swatches or a color wheel to create a balanced and harmonious look.
  • Select furniture and decor wisely: Consider style, functionality, and material durability when choosing furniture and decor items. Ensure they enhance the overall aesthetic and coordinate with the home's color scheme.

Key Steps to Decorating Your Home

When it comes to decorating our homes, there are several key steps we need to follow in order to create a cohesive and stylish space.

First, we need to define our decorating style by considering our personal preferences and the overall aesthetic we want to achieve.

Next, we should plan our floor layout to ensure that the furniture and decor we choose fit well in the space and promote functionality.

Additionally, selecting a cohesive color palette is essential for creating a harmonious and visually pleasing environment.

Finally, we can add depth and interest to our home by layering textures and patterns in our furniture, fabrics, and accessories.

Define Your Decorating Style

When it comes to defining your decorating style, there are three main options to consider: contemporary, traditional, and eclectic.

Each style has its own unique characteristics and can help set the tone for your entire home.


We frequently opt for a contemporary style when decorating our home. Contemporary design is characterized by minimalist decor, modern furniture, sleek finishes, clean lines, and a neutral color scheme.

To achieve a contemporary look, consider incorporating an open floor plan, minimalist artwork, contemporary lighting, and minimalist accessories. These elements create a cohesive and streamlined aesthetic that's both stylish and functional.


Our goal is to create a warm and timeless ambiance by embracing traditional design elements when decorating our home.

Traditional decor often features classic furniture pieces, such as ornate woodwork and upholstered chairs.

Traditional color schemes tend to consist of warm neutrals and rich jewel tones.

To enhance the traditional feel, incorporate accessories like antique vases or decorative trinkets.

Traditional patterns, such as stripes or florals, can be used in textiles, upholstery, or wallpaper.

Traditional architectural details, such as crown molding or wainscoting, can also add charm.

Traditional artwork, lighting fixtures, and home accents like rugs or curtains complete the overall traditional aesthetic.


Let's explore the eclectic style, which combines various design elements and creates a unique and vibrant look for our home.

In this style, we can mix different styles and eras to create a truly personalized space. Some key steps to achieve an eclectic look include experimenting with color combinations, incorporating statement pieces, hunting for vintage finds, embracing bold patterns, and incorporating DIY projects.

Plan Your Floor Layout

One of the key steps to decorating our home is to carefully plan our floor layout. A well-designed floor plan sets the foundation for a harmonious and functional living space. It involves considering the room layout, space optimization, furniture placement, traffic flow, and maximizing space. To achieve an open concept feel, zoning areas can be created by using furniture or architectural elements. Focal points, such as a fireplace or a large window, can be strategically placed to draw attention and create flow. By considering these factors, we can create a floor plan that maximizes space, promotes efficient traffic flow, and enhances the overall aesthetics of our home.

Key Steps for Floor Layout PlanningBenefits
Carefully consider the room layoutEfficient use of space
Optimize space by thoughtful furniture placementIncreased functionality
Ensure smooth traffic flowEnhanced accessibility
Create zoning areas and focal pointsImproved aesthetics and flow

Choose a Cohesive Color Palette

When choosing a cohesive color palette for our home, it's important to consider the overall mood and aesthetic we want to achieve. The colors we choose can greatly impact the atmosphere and energy of each room. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Color psychology: Different colors can evoke different emotions and moods. Understanding the psychological effects of colors can help us choose colors that align with the desired ambiance of each space.

  • Accent colors: By incorporating a few accent colors, we can add depth and visual interest to our home. These accent colors can be used in small doses through accessories, artwork, or furniture pieces.

  • Color coordination: It's crucial to ensure that the colors we choose coordinate well with each other. This can be achieved by using color swatches or consulting a color wheel to find complementary or analogous color schemes.

  • Color trends: Staying updated with current color trends can help us create a contemporary and fashionable look for our home. However, it's important to balance trendy colors with timeless classics to ensure longevity.

  • Color contrast and harmony: Achieving the right balance of color contrast and harmony is essential. We can experiment with different color combinations to find the perfect balance that suits our personal style and preferences.

Selecting Furniture and Decor

When it comes to selecting furniture for your home, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

First, consider the style and functionality of the furniture. Look for pieces that not only complement your overall decor, but also serve a practical purpose in each room.

Secondly, don't forget about accessorizing. This includes choosing the right decor items such as rugs, curtains, and artwork to enhance the overall aesthetic of your space.

Furniture Selection

We love browsing furniture stores to find the perfect pieces for our home decor. When it comes to furniture selection, there are several key factors to consider.

  • Furniture arrangement: Think about how the furniture will be arranged in each room to optimize the space.
  • Color coordination: Choose furniture that complements the color scheme of your home.
  • Material selection: Consider the durability and maintenance of different materials.
  • Comfort considerations: Prioritize comfort when selecting furniture for lounging areas.
  • Budget-friendly options: Look for affordable furniture that fits within your budget.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can select furniture that not only reflects your style preferences but also meets your functional needs.

Stay updated on furniture trends to ensure your home decor stays fresh and modern.


Let's start by figuring out how to incorporate accessories that will enhance the overall look and feel of our home decor. Accessorizing is a key step in creating a cohesive and inviting space. From statement pieces to color coordination and mixing patterns, there are countless ways to add personality and style to your home. Consider wall art, decorative accents, rug selection, window treatments, tabletop styling, and shelving and display ideas. By carefully selecting and arranging these elements, you can create a space that truly feels like home.

Accessorizing IdeasDescription
Statement piecesEye-catching items that serve as focal points in a room.
Color coordinationChoosing accessories that complement the color scheme of your space.
Mixing patternsCombining different patterns to add visual interest.
Wall artHanging artwork or photographs to add personality and style.
Decorative accentsSmall objects like vases, candles, and sculptures that enhance the overall aesthetic.
Rug selectionChoosing a rug that ties the room together and adds texture.
Window treatmentsCurtains, blinds, or shades that provide privacy and enhance the overall look.
Tabletop stylingArranging decorative items on tables or countertops.
Shelving and display ideasUsing shelves or display cabinets to showcase your favorite items.

Layering Textures and Patterns

Our favorite way to add depth and visual interest to our home decor is by layering different textures and patterns. By incorporating various layering techniques, we can create a harmonious blend of texture combinations and pattern coordination that truly elevates the overall aesthetic of our living space.

Here are some key steps to achieve this:

  • Experiment with textile variety: Mix different fabrics, such as velvet, linen, and silk, to create a dynamic and tactile atmosphere.

  • Explore pattern versatility: Combine geometric patterns, floral prints, and abstract designs to add visual interest and create a unique style.

  • Create texture contrast: Pair smooth textures with rough ones, like pairing a plush rug with a rustic wooden coffee table, to create a balanced and inviting space.

  • Pay attention to pattern placement: Strategically place patterns on larger furniture pieces or accent pieces to draw attention and create focal points.

  • Layer textiles: Drape throws or add cushions in different textures and patterns to instantly transform the look and feel of a room.

Balance Form and Functionality

One important aspect to consider when decorating our home is finding a balance between form and functionality. It is essential to create a space that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also serves its purpose effectively. By blending form and function, we can achieve a harmonious and practical design that caters to our needs and desires. Below is a table that illustrates how we can combine style and practicality in our home decor:

Aesthetic appealUsability
Stylish functionalityDesign and usability
Functional decorPracticality
Blending form and functionCombining style and practicality
Functional and beautifulBalance and harmony

Lighting for Ambiance

When it comes to creating the right ambiance in your home, lighting plays a crucial role.

There are three key types of lighting to consider: natural lighting, task lighting, and ambient lighting.

Natural lighting, such as sunlight, can brighten up a space and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Task lighting, on the other hand, is focused and practical, providing illumination for specific activities like reading or cooking.

Lastly, ambient lighting sets the overall mood and tone of a room, whether it's through soft, diffused light or dramatic, statement fixtures.

Natural Lighting

The natural lighting in our home creates a warm and inviting ambiance. To maximize sunlight and create a bright and airy space, there are several techniques and options to consider:

  • Window treatments: Choose light-colored curtains or blinds to allow more natural light to enter the room.
  • Skylights: Install skylights on the roof to bring in additional sunlight and create a sense of openness.
  • Solar tubes: These tubes capture sunlight and transfer it into interior spaces, providing natural light where windows aren't feasible.
  • Light fixtures: Opt for fixtures that mimic natural light, such as LED lights that emit a warm, white glow.
  • Daylighting techniques: Arrange furniture and mirrors strategically to reflect and distribute natural light throughout the room.

Task Lighting

We should consider two key steps to incorporate task lighting into our home decor for a cozy and functional ambiance.

Task lighting is essential as it provides focused illumination for specific activities. There are various types of task lighting, including desk lamps, pendant lights, and under-cabinet lights.

Task lighting should be strategically placed in different rooms, such as workspaces, reading areas, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Ambient Lighting

Let's explore how to incorporate ambient lighting into our home decor to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

  • Use dimmers and switches to control the intensity of the lights and create the desired mood lighting.
  • Install ceiling fixtures to provide overall illumination and create a welcoming ambiance.
  • Place table lamps, floor lamps, and wall sconces strategically to add layers of light and enhance the atmosphere.
  • Consider using candlelight for a cozy and intimate feel.
  • Don't forget to extend your ambient lighting to outdoor spaces with decorative lighting options.

Personalization and Artwork

When it comes to personalizing your home, family photos, artwork, and decor choices play a key role.

Family photos can add a touch of warmth and nostalgia to any space, while artwork can serve as a focal point and express your personal style.

When selecting decor, consider pieces that hold meaning or evoke positive emotions, as they can create a sense of comfort and personal connection within your home.

Family Photos

Our family photos bring warmth and personalization to our home's decor. They not only serve as a reminder of cherished memories but also add a unique touch to our living space.

When it comes to displaying family portraits, there are various photo wall ideas to consider. Here are some key techniques for creating a stunning family photo display:

  • Create a photo collage using different sizes and shapes of frames.
  • Experiment with different photo arrangement patterns, such as a grid or a gallery-style display.
  • Incorporate photo frames that complement your existing home decor.
  • Organize your photos based on themes or time periods to tell a story.
  • Use creative hanging techniques, like using strings or clothespins, to add visual interest to your photo wall.

Art and Decor Choices

Choosing artwork and decor that reflects our personal style and enhances the overall aesthetic of our home is an essential step in the decorating process. When it comes to artwork selection, consider choosing pieces that resonate with you and evoke emotions.

Wall decor can include statement pieces that become the focal point of a room, or smaller pieces that add visual interest. Pay attention to color schemes and how they harmonize with your existing decor.

Art placement is crucial, as it can define the flow and balance of a space. Consider creating gallery walls to showcase multiple pieces together. Art curation involves selecting pieces that complement each other and create a cohesive look.

Explore different art styles, from traditional to contemporary, to find what suits your taste. If you're feeling creative, try DIY art projects to add a personal touch to your home.

Lastly, art framing plays a significant role in enhancing the overall presentation of your artwork, so choose frames that complement the style and colors of the piece.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does It Typically Cost to Decorate an Entire House?

On average, decorating an entire house can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands, depending on factors like DIY vs hiring professionals, budget-friendly ideas, high-end options, and cost-saving tips. Second-hand finds, online shopping, thrift stores, garage sales, and discount stores can help keep costs down.

Where Can I Find Unique and Affordable Home Décor Items?

To find budget-friendly home accents, unique thrift store finds, and affordable furniture options, we recommend exploring online marketplaces for home décor and secondhand furniture shops. Don't forget to consider DIY ideas and upcycling old items for creative and cost-effective decorating solutions. Additionally, local artisan markets and discount home décor stores offer unique pieces at affordable prices.

Can I Hire a Professional Interior Designer to Help Me With the Whole House Decoration?

Hiring an interior designer for whole house decoration has its pros and cons. They can help achieve a cohesive look and provide expertise, but DIY can save money. Budgeting and finding the right designer are important.

What Are Some Tips for Choosing the Right Color Scheme for Each Room in the House?

When choosing the right color scheme for each room, consider color psychology, mixing and matching for cohesion, utilizing accent colors, and the impact of natural light. Also, consider the function of each room and create flow and continuity throughout the house.

How Long Does It Usually Take to Complete the Decoration of a Whole House?

Factors such as the size of the house, complexity of the design, budget, and availability of resources influence the time required for whole house decoration. It's important to plan the budget and decide between DIY or hiring professionals for efficient completion.

Darla Hudalla
Darla Hudalla

Lifelong music advocate. Devoted music evangelist. Friendly coffee aficionado. Subtly charming zombie scholar. Proud food enthusiast.